Start your morning energized with these 5 simple tips

Does the sound of your alarm clock send you into a slight panic as you start your work day morning? If you are like most people, mornings can often feel rushed, chaotic, and stressful. I can totally relate. I am an elementary school dance teacher, and my mornings start super early. What can you do to start your day feeling great?

Here are a few simple strategies to start your day feeling more energized. Watch out! Your giant mug of coffee may get a little jealous. 😉

1. Set your alarm clock to the sounds of nature.

I used to have my alarm set to a loud beeping sound. What was I thinking?! Then I switched to a fun, upbeat song. It was pretty good, but still caused me to feel a bit anxious. Now, I use the sounds of nature. This feels much more relaxing and less jarring on my nervous system. Ahhh, the sounds of birds chirping and water flowing.

2. Drink a big glass of room temperature water with a slice of lemon.

This is a great habit to incorporate into your morning routine. I keep a big glass of water by my bed and some lemon slices in my fridge. Right when I get out of bed, I can enjoy a nice glass of water. This will hydrate you after a night’s slumber and give you a natural boost of energy.

3. Move your body for 10 minutes.

Get your heart rate up, breathe more fully, and take care of your body. Giving yourself this gift first thing really sets you up to have a more productive and energized day. Notice we haven’t even looked at email, Facebook, or our to-do list. That can wait. This is sacred morning time.

Try this 10-minute full body workout that I created for you to do in the comfort of your home. All you need is a set of light hand-held weights (1-3 lbs), running shoes, and a yoga mat. Stream this video right from your phone. The trick is to have your shoes, weights, and yoga mat organized the night before.

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4. Take a quick warm shower.

This may seem so obvious, but how can you make your morning shower more like a spa treatment? Choose a soap that is going to invigorate your senses. I love Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint soap. The smell is fresh, the soap is organic, and I always feel charged at the start of my day. Use whatever you like. Experiment with different smells that work best for you. For the morning, try mint and orange smells. Lavender is great for the end of the day as a way to relax before bed.

5. Enjoy a nutritious breakfast on the go.

Depending on your schedule, you may be able to enjoy your breakfast at home. If you are like me and need to eat on the run most mornings, try these easy breakfast options that will have you fueled and ready to take on the day. To make your life easier, make these recipes the night before. Then, just grab and go!

I hope these tips help you feel great every single day. Let me know how it goes. I would love to hear from you. Got any other morning tips you’d like to share? Would love to hear that too.

All the best,

Nicole =)


P.S. I am working on creating a new online fitness studio. Check out my Indiegogo campaign and learn more about this exciting project!

The founder of Osmia Organics skincare has been a huge source of inspiration. #day3crowdfunding

I first learned about Osmia Organics, a lovely skincare line from the mountains of Colorado in a Sunset magazine article.

It was finally a quiet night. I couldn’t wait to dive into my quinoa bowl and flip through the beautiful pages of Sunset magazine. This was the perfect antidote to an overly busy work week.

I landed on the page about small businesses and was mesmerized. I have always dreamed of being an entrepreneur and running my own small business. Seeing these beautiful organic products made me think it was possible. They all started with a dream and an idea. I too can make this happen.

Something about the bird and flower in the Osmia Organics logo transported me to a natural place. Living in Los Angeles, I often fantasize about leaving the big city for a small town nestled somewhere in the mountains where the air is fresh -an idyllic place where I can slow down and be more connected with all that is around me.

After day dreaming, I quickly ran to my computer and plugged in Osmia Organics and couldn’t be happier with the product line. Since stopping birth control pills, my skin has been super temperamental. And, for a single 30-something, icky skin is not ideal for attracting the man of my dreams. So, I ordered a bunch of products and my skin has looked much better since. Phew!

But, let’s take a moment to go a bit deeper. Shall we? The true reason why I love this company is the story behind why the founder Dr. Sarah Villafranco started her business. Though Dr. Sarah and I have never met, I feel as though we would become fast friends. We share a hauntingly similar story. Like Dr. Sarah, I too have lost my mom to cancer. My beautiful mom was diagnosed of terminal stage 4 colon cancer four years ago, when I was just 29. There were little signs of her illness and we lost my mom in a short 11-month span. I was devastated to say the least. Loosing my mom has completely changed me. It has made me question everything. My career, my living location, my busy schedule…

I just launched an Indiegogo campaign to take my career in another direction. I am currently a public school teacher teaching little kids dance through the Los Angeles Unified School District. While I love working with kiddos and teaching movement, I feel ready to leave the politics of public school teaching behind. After years of getting pink slips due to lay-offs and budget cuts, it feels like time to move in a different direction. This is why I started CINCH Fitness.

CINCH Fitness is going to become an online fitness studio where I feature my yoga, Pilates, and cardio fusion classes. With your help we can bring fitness and wellness to the world. I also believe in giving back and helping support arts education for our youth. Check out my Indiegogo campaign and let me know what you think. Every little bit helps. A BIG thank you.

Thanks for your love and support,

Nicole Currie =)

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Follow your Bliss. How I got here… #day2crowdfunding

Thinking back on this journey, I sometimes wonder how I even got here. Is it worth it? What am I doing? So many questions surface when you do something really scary and take a huge risk.

I feel very vulnerable. Kinda like that dream where you wake up at school with only your birthday suit on. Yep! Sometimes that is how I feel. The more I share my dreams and goals with others the more excited, but nervous I feel. What if someone doesn’t like my dream. Does this mean I should give up?

Yesterday, I launched my first crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo for my biz CINCH Fitness that I have been dreaming up and working on for the past few years. It was a huge rush to push the “Go Live” button and wait with eager anticipation for my future to unfold.

I chose to pick a “fixed funding” campaign and to raise $15,000 to create an online fitness studio that features my signature Pilates, cardio, and yoga fusion classes. I am raising money to build a new website and to film my first 10 classes. Before I started this venture, I thought this was a simple project that should only cost a few thousand dollars that I could fund on a credit card.

The more I talked to graphic designers, web developers, and a film crew I realized I was embarking on a MUCH bigger project than anticipated. My first quote for the website was $50,000. I nearly fell over when I heard that. Yikes! That is when I realized I needed to reach out to my community and raise money the crowdfunding way.

So here I am. Beyond excited. A little anxious. Full of hope. Dreaming bigger than ever. This feels like just the beginning.

Learn about this exciting project and see how you can join the fitness revolution!

What are your dreams and goals? What is your bliss? Whatever it is, go follow it!


Nicole =)

dream until

Guest blog post “Exercising while traveling has never been easier” by Mike Manning

Staying Fit While Traveling This Summer

It is common to think that traveling will ruin your fitness routine. However, it is possible to stay in shape while on the road. Doing so may require some extra effort, but being able to travel without worrying about your waistline can be a tremendous benefit. Working out while on the road will also help to reduce stress and fatigue– both common when traveling. Here are a few simple tips for travelers who are interested in maintaining their fitness routines.


Fortunately, you do not need much in the way of equipment to exercise while on the road. A pair of running or tennis shoes can help, and a bottle for carrying water is great for runners and those who will be outside. If possible, it may help to exercise at the same time that you exercise at home. If you cannot, however, bear in mind that even a small amount of exercise is better than no exercise. Plan on being active on occasion, and do not forget that walking from place to place can be a great way to burn some extra calories while getting a bit of exercise.

Research Hotels Before Leaving

In the past, hotels offer little in the way of exercise equipment. Through the 1990s, however, a growing number of hotels began offering small gyms for travelers, and many hotels now tout their exercise facilities as some of their biggest draws. Finding the best gym in a hotel, however, will require some research. Try to find pictures of the gym as descriptions often seem to exaggerate how big exercise areas are. Be on the lookout for any extra benefits provided by hotels. For example, many hotels now offer fitness classes for travelers and other similar amenities.

My most recent trip was to San Francisco. I made sure to find a travel site that reviewed the top hotels in San Francisco and listed all of their amenities. I made it a point to choose a hotel that offered a 24-hour gym so that I knew exactly what to expect when I arrived at the hotel. Being able to work out at any hour made it much easier for me to fit my routine in even on the busiest days.

Use Exercise to Relieve Stress

Airports can be incredibly stressful for some. Fortunately, many airports now offer walking paths through their concourses. In addition, some airports offer rooms designed to allow travelers to get in a bit of exercise. The zen rooms at San Francisco International Airport have been hailed as great places to allow travelers to get in a bit of yoga in between flights. In addition, there is no need to exercise only in your hotel, and going on a run or walk around the city in which your hotel is located can be fun. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress, which can build up quickly while traveling. Remember to make exercise a part of your daily routine while traveling to help reduce both stress and fatigue.

For more information on this post, please email Mike Manning at

Guest Blog Post: “Benefits of Exercise for Patients with Cancer” by Melanie Bowen

Benefits of Exercise for Patients with Cancer

A cancer diagnosis can be a devastating, life-changing experience. The countless doctor visits, tests, and treatments often take a considerable mental and physical toll. From fatigue to muscle loss, the effects of cancer are many. One way to effectively cope during and after cancer treatment is with exercise. Exercise can dramatically impact the health and well-being of patients. Improvements in quality of life and muscle strength are just some of the benefits exercise provides.

Improved quality of life

Patients with cancer often long for a return to normalcy. They want to do the everyday tasks most individuals take for granted, like shopping and cooking. Cancer treatment, however, can drain patients of their energy. As a result, many become sedentary. Developing an exercise routine allows patients to maintain energy levels and muscle mass. In doing so, patients are more likely to continue participating in activities they enjoy.

Increased muscle strength

Muscle loss and weakness are common in patients with a variety of cancers, including mesothelioma and breast cancer. The muscle loss can be caused by the cancer itself or the prescribed treatment. Strength training with light weights or resistance bands can help replace muscle lost during and after cancer treatment. Activities like yoga and walking are also helpful in toning and strengthening muscles.

Reduced anxiety and depression

It is not uncommon for patients with cancer to develop anxiety and/or depression. Worries about medical bills, upcoming scans, and their long-term cancer prognosis can be overwhelming. Exercise offers patients a way to handle their stress more effectively. It reduces the body’s stress hormone levels. In addition, exercise stimulates endorphin production, which can improve moods and decrease pain.

Improved sleep quality

Cancer and cancer treatments can have a profound effect on sleep. Patients with cancer may find sleep difficult due to a variety of psychological factors, including fear and anxiety. Chemotherapy treatments or certain medications can cause pain that inhibit restful sleep. Exercise offers many benefits to combat these problems. Patients typically fall asleep quicker and sleep more soundly for longer periods. The body’s ability to relax following exercise also encourages a more natural, restorative sleep.

Exercise can help patients with cancer manage the many stressors associated with the disease. Establishing an exercise routine can improve the physical and psychological outcomes of a cancer diagnosis. It is important to talk to your doctor and develop a plan so you can get started right away!

For more information on this topic please contact Melanie Bowen at, or visit

Summer has arrived….Yes!

Ahhh….I can finally take a big exhale.

Summer is here and my energy is starting to soar. If you’re anything like me, summer is the season to explore, play, relax, create, and travel. I usually feel the most inspired in the summer months. There is something about the long, warm days that get me dreaming about all my goals in life. I am eager to start new projects, see foreign lands, go camping, spend quality time in nature, relax with family and friends, and enjoy a lazy day in the sun. Yes, summer is here and I am SO happy!

Time and again, though, summer departs just as quickly as it shows up. This summer, I plan on making a list of all the fun things I wish to do in hopes that this invigorating season doesn’t sneak away from me. Try making your own summer fun list and see what you would like to have fill your days. But, like any list you create, remember it’s a just road map and everything doesn’t have to be accomplished to have boat loads of fun. While it is a guideline for your summer pleasures, remember it’s totally OK to toss it aside and forgo everything that’s written when unexpected opportunities arrive. Remember to be flexible and set time aside to relax. Your body needs a major recharge!

Have a healthy and blissful summer!

Happy CINCHing,

Nicole =)

My Summer Fun List:

1. Sleep in

2. Eat lots of healthy organic veggies and yummy summer fruits

3. Take a cooking class or two

4. Sign up for a Pilates and yoga workshop

5. Road trip to the Pacific Northwest

6. Go camping with friends and enjoy a night under the stars with no cell phone or computer in sight

7. Read a great book

8. Learn how to bake a fruit tart

9. Create new and exciting CINCH Fitness classes

10. Take lots and lots of yoga!

It’s spring time!

The birds are chirping, the air is fresh, and the flowers are blooming! It’s one of my favorite times of the year. I always feel so invigorated and inspired for the upcoming sunny season. If you are looking to get into shape for spring now is your time to come to a CINCH Fitness class. Classes are located outside overlooking the beautiful Pacific Ocean in Santa Monica, CA.

If you are new to CINCH Fitness, classes are designed to work you from head to toe. We alternate between strength training exercises and cardio intervals to help deliver faster fitness results. CINCH Fitness is rooted in Pilates and Yoga techniques making this class a fun, safe, and challenging workout. It’s the blissful way to bootcamp!


In love and health,

Nicole =)


All You Need is Love…

In honor of Valentine’s Day next week, this post is all about love. Not the romantic love that we normally think of, but rather a love of one’s self. Now, I’m not talking about loving one’s self from an egotistical or narcissistic point of view. I mean finding a way to truly love all your qualities, both positive and negative. Finding peace with our flaws can make us more loving and open individuals to the world around us.

For most people, this can be extremely challenging. In fact, we tend to be our own toughest critic. We judge ourselves if we don’t eat the right foods, if we don’t workout enough, if we don’t have a perfect career, or social life, etc. We can be so hard on ourselves that sometimes we miss all the positives that others see in us. My hope is that each person I teach will leave class feeling more uplifted, positive, and centered. When we learn to see our own beauty and inner light, the world around us benefits from all that positive love that we are able to radiate back into the world.

Growing up a dancer and gymnast, I always had a warped sense of how to properly treat and love my body. I treated my body more like a machine and pushed myself to exhaustion- a pattern that is impossible to sustain. Eventually, your body gets tired and needs a break. Pilates and yoga have really helped me find balance in my life. They are both great tools for learning how to listen to your body and tune in to what it needs. And, each day will be different. Therefore, learning how to honor your body, emotions, and mind is so very important. I love teaching my CINCH Fitness classes and hope to inspire my students to cultivate a loving kindness towards themselves.


In love and health,

Nicole =)

Excitement in the air!

Dear CINCH Fitness Fans!

I hope you are all enjoying the start to 2012 and easing back into your routines after the fun-filled holiday season. I have been quite busy over here getting ready for a great 2012 filled with lots of new CINCH Fitness clients and classes on the schedule.

This past weekend CINCH Fitness ran it’s first ever Groupon promotion that was a great success! We now have many new students that are ready to Pilates, Cardio, and Yoga their way into health in 2012. If you are interested in getting in on the excitement, we are offering a one time only special of 3 classes for $30. Such a great deal! Email to sign up and mention you saw this on our blog.

Here is our most current schedule of classes: Monday from 6-7:30pm, Wednesday from 6-7:30pm, and Saturday mornings from 10-11:30am. Email us at to reserve a spot in class.

In love and health,

Nicole =)

Refreshed and Ready for 2012!

Dear CINCH Fitness Fans,

I just got back from leading a wonderful retreat up at Sagrada Wellness California in mountains above San Luis Obispo, CA. I had an amazing time teaching Yoga, Pilates, and Bollywood to a sold out retreat! Retreaters came from all over the country and even Canada to ring in the New Year together. A truly special experience. If you or anyone you know is interested in going to a retreat, I am leading several retreats with Sagrada this coming year. Please check out for more info. I hope to see you there!

I hope everyone had a happy and healthy holiday. I am definitely refreshed and ready to take on 2012. I took time over my retreat to set positive goals and intentions for the coming year. Consider making a collage of images and positive words that inspire you. Turn to this collage when you are feeling stressed or need an emotional boost. My collage reminds me of all the wonderful things I wish to manifest in my life. Here’s to a blissful 2012!

In love and health,

Nicole =)

Our group of retreaters after an invigorating morning hike!